
Saturday, August 22, 2015

Wordpress landing page with Supersized

Before I start,

Click here if you wish to see it in action!

Click here to get some introduction of Supersized

Now let's start!

First thing first, download this amazing image slider here. In this tutorial, I'll be using the version for Flickr.

Second thing, of course you've got Wordpress installed :-)

Part 1, preparing the files

  • Extract the desired version (example: flickr) into your Wordpress root folder (or in a another folder, but you need to change some path inside the coding)

  • Inside the folder, there is a main html file (example: flickr.html). Rename the file extension to .php (example: flickr.php)

  • Insert this at the top line of the file, then save it: <?php /** Template Name: Supersized **/ ?>

  • Copy the saved file into wp-content/themes/your-current-theme/templates

Part 2, little modification

Part 3, create a landing page, blog page and Reading Settings

  • Create a new page with title Landing Page, choose the saved file earlier (Supersized) as template (How to choose template) and leave the content empty

  • Create another page with title Blog, no template and content require for this

  • Go to WP-Admin > Settings > Reading > Front page displays and select the A static page (select below)
    -- Front page: Landing Page
    -- Posts page: Blog

  • Save the settings

Well, that's all for basic. Of course I did a lot of modifications in the main html file. You might want to play around with it, enjoy! :-)

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Darwisy Back To 2007

Punya la rajin Abah hari ni, sampai habis semua email-email lama Abah godek hehehe...

Godek punya godek, terjumpa la satu email dari Mak Long DDD bertarikh February 2007. Yer, tahun 2007... dah 8 tahun kot terperam huhuhu.

Dulu Abah ada satu blog post tajuknya RED RIDING HOOD (2007) RELEASED, tapi malangnya link gambar dalam post tu dah invalid. Dalam erti kata lain, gambarnya dah hilang dari website huhuhu...

Alhamdulillah, berkat kerajinan Abah hari ni... gambar-gambar yang sepatutnya berada dalam post tersebut telah dijumpai semula :-)

Plus, ada satu lagi attachment dari Mak Long yang asalnya file Microsoft Publisher dan telah converted kepada JPEG. Agak surprised, sebab dah 8 tahun baru hari ni dapat tengok apa dalam file tu (dulu-dulu takde converter hahaha).

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Berpagian 1 Zulkaedah

Zulkaedah, 1 hari jugalah Syawal telah berlalu. Kebetulan pula hari Ahad, pagi yang baik untuk melepaskan tekanan dan lelah.

Alhamdulillah pagi ni dapat pergi ke satu lokasi yang boleh dikatakan baru, sesuai untuk merakamkan gambar sunrise dan sunset di sekitar Putrajaya. Mungkin tidak secantik di tempat-tempat tumpuan yang lain, tapi tetap dapat menyegarkan mata.

Better view @ https://www.flickr.com/photos/darwisy/19987733984/

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

How to delete Account Picture in Windows 10

Self note

Scenario: Not able to delete or set to default local Account Picture in Windows 10 (Settings > Accounts > Your account > Your Picture). Removed from https://profile.live.com but seems does not affect the local setting.


Go to "C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\AccountPictures" and delete the content(s) or;

Go to C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Packages\windows.immersivecontrolpanel_***\TempState then;

Back to "Your account" setting, click on "Browse" and type in "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user.png" following with "Choose picture" button or enter.

*** not sure if this would be same or not, mine is windows.immersivecontrolpanel_cw5n1h2txyewy





Tuesday, August 11, 2015

WordPress Images ERROR 404

Self note

Scenario: Getting reports saying most of Wordpress images ERROR 404. In fact, they are exists in /wp-content/uploads/* folders.


Failed — Disabled certain plugins, disabled all plugins, change uploads folder/files permission, modify .htaccess file, delete .htaccess file, change Permalinks settings to default, etc

Success — Switched the PHP Date Format in General Settings from Custom (D, M jS, Y) to Default F j, Y (e.g: August 10, 2015)

Friday, August 7, 2015

Linking (faking) a folder into OneDrive

In my case, I have a folder ("2015" in Pictures) which in a different partition. Installed OneDrive app, and I don't want to "move" the "2015" folder into "OneDrive\Pictures" as it will increase my C:\ drive usage.

So, here is how I did, basically it's like "faking" a folder in "OneDrive\Pictures"
Syntax: mklink [[/d] | [/h] | [/j]] <Link> <Target>


Link — "C:\Users\Hilman\OneDrive\Pictures\2015-link"

Target — "D:\Pictures\2015"

  1. Run a CMD as Administrator

  2. Type "mklink /j "C:\Users\Hilman\OneDrive\Pictures\2015-link" "D:\Pictures\2015"

  3. A folder (fake) with name "2015-link" will be created in "C:\Users\Hilman\OneDrive\Pictures", thus will be sync into OneDrive online — You may notice the folder will look like a shortcut icon

What happen then? Well, whenever I saved a photo into "2015-link" folder it will actually save it into "D:\Pictures\2015"... and vise versa. Of course, it will not increase my C:\ drive usage.

For more info about MKLINK parameters, click this.


  1. Do not create the folder in Link, instead create it in CMD prompt. Otherwise, an error will appears saying "Cannot create a file when that file already exists."

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Majlis Jamuan Hari Raya 2015

Setelah hampir enam tahun berkerja di area Kelana Jaya, ini kali pertama pergi ke Masjid Tengku Kelana untuk meraikan Majlis Jamuan Hari Raya bagi tahun 2015.

Pada mulanya tak terpikir jugak nak pergi ke majlis tu, tapi memandangkan restoran bawah office masih tutup bercuti... dan kebetulan ada jamuan... maka tergerak juga lah kaki menuju ke masjid bersama geng-geng dari office yang kebetulan berfikiran sama hehehe.

Alhamdulillah, rezeki hari ni dapat merasa macam-macam jenis masakan yang dihidangkan... sampaikan roti canai pon ada... semuanya sedap-sedap :-)

Disebalik cerita jamuan ni, sebenarnya telah berlangsung satu mesyuarat agung tahunan Masjid Tengku Kelana... tapi memandangkan ianya dijalankan pada waktu bekerja, maka hanya dapat hadir waktu makan je la :-)